What’s new in Foldr for Windows?
– Map a drive in Windows Explorer to present on-premise or cloud storage areas from a single drive
– Web Search functionality allows users to quickly searching across multiple storage locations (on-premise file servers, Office 365, Google Drive and more)
– Administrative MSI options to configure the app when it is deployed
– Support for editing files in Office Online through the Windows Explorer context menu.
– Support for native Google G-Suite files in Windows Explorer. Double click a Google Doc, Sheet or Slide and start editing immediately.
– Removable and Network drive types
– Supports password change, two-factor authentication, and single sign-on (Kerberos or third-party SAML IdP)
– Quick Import / Upload option available from the system tray context menu. Upload from your desktop to any storage location in Foldr.
Foldr for Windows Release Notes
Version 3.6.0 (3rd March 2025)
- *New* Provides a method to initiate ‘Refresh My Files’ via a script using
"C:\Program Files\Minnow IT\Foldr\Foldr.exe" -refresh-my-files
- Fixes an issue with Saved Searches
- Fixes an issue with SSE indicator status
- Custom fields improvements to support remote changes
- Offline file improvements and configurable refresh
- Custom fields improvements to support remote changes
- Reduce metadata timeout to 2 seconds
- Modifications for additional language support
- Fixes an issue with refreshing directories
Version 3.2.0 (25th September 2024)
- *New* Support for running mount and unmount scripts
- Improves the custom header implementation
- Fixes an issue where the drive may fail to go offline properly
- Removes the tool tip from the taskbar icon
- Fixes an issue where the reboot touch file may not be deleted after installation and system restart
Version 3.1.0 (31st August 2024)
- *New* Implements Edge webview and removes the Cefsharp browser process for rendering the web sign-in, service linking and search interfaces
- Support for single sign on for servers configured to use Azure AD/Entra ID authentication
- Supports custom headers for use with MaSH authentication middleware
- Fixes an issue with Office Assist that affects clients connecting to the Foldr server using Azure AD/Entra ID authentication
- Fixes an issue with saving Office documents in Terminal Services / RDS sessions
- Modifies the app notification alert and thresholds for excessive downloads
Version 2.0.0 (29th April 2024)
- Upgrade Dokany to latest release
- Fixes an issue with failing to register the search hotkey/shortcut
- Fixes a potential I/O issue with invalid range
- Fixes a potential issue with saving new documents
- Additional changes for wildcard matches and logging
- Fixes an issue with the platform disabled prompt not displaying if the app is not allowed on the server
- Numerous other minor bug and performance tweaks
Version 1.6.5 (18th October 2023)
- Optimise app startup
- Update the app to use the latest graphics/branding
- Fixes an issue with changing drive letters
- Improve web search and title fix
- Fixes an issue which affects bookmarks from Teams and SharePoint not being available
- Fixes a potential crash relating to UAC shield
- Fixes an issue with pointers
- Fixes an issue that prevent deleting Thumbs.db files
- Improved logging – FoldrServerCache: hit/miss/off – listing directories to include the number of items
- Improvements to support bundle mechanism
- Metadata Hashing: hit/miss and refresh optimisation
Version 1.6.2 (11th January 2023)
- Fixes an issue which affects opening large Office documents
- Changes the app behaviour with sparse files and limit which files are treated as sparse
Version 1.5.39 (5th December 2022)
- Fixes an issue affecting Excel files and Offline files
- Fixes an issue where the app Settings dialog does not fit on devices with low resolution displays
Version 1.5.38 (24th November 2022)
- *New* Offline Files feature. Allows user to mark files or folders as offline from the server and the app will keep a local version on the client inside Z:\Offline Files. The app periodically checks and downloads the server version if it is updated automatically. This feature may be controlled/disabled if required using an App Profile on the server, or via the UseOfflineFiles registry key
- Change app behaviour so drive mounts automatically when app is run, rather than signed in
- Improve the Credentials Manager and clean up user tokens
- Fixes an issue with OfficeAssist and Windows 11 systems
- Additional logging improvements
- Cache location is now user configurable
Version 1.5.27 (1st April 2022)
- Fixes an upload issue where documents are being edited from very slow storage backends
- Allows the app proxy to be used for updates
Version 1.5.25 (17th March 2022)
- *New* App specific proxy available for all app communications. Allows the admin/user to configure a different proxy from the system proxy.
- Improve the app settings Advanced tab layout
- Changes the Office Assist feature (‘Allow Office access to cloud documents on the Foldr drive’) behaviour to prevent File > Open from inside Office apps. This is to prevent opening an offline version of the file – Users are now offered a notification to open the cloud document
- New admin options to configure the proxy/prevent user changing the app proxy and reverting to the old Offie Assist behaviour
- Fixes an issue with opening Office documents from UNC network paths (outside of Foldr) when Ofice Assist is enabled in the app
- Additions to the support bundle/logs
- Change the way the app determines Office app installation from the registry
Version 1.5.22 (26th January 2022)
- Adds the ability to link cloud accounts (Office 365/Google Workspace etc) where manual linking is configured on the server. This is accessible from the app Settings > Account tab or use the ‘link account’ web shortcut inside a cloud storage location inside the Foldr drive > My Files.
- Fixes an issue with the Windows Photos app opening blank images from the Foldr drive
- Further improves the crash handler logging and shutdown notifications
- Close the web search UI on sign-out
Version 1.5.17 (27th September 2021)
- *New* Working file recovery. Provides an in-app recycle bin feature by retaining a copy of any files deleted from its local cache during file save operations. This will allow the user to restore files if required.
- *New* Support for Custom Fields. This is available using the context menu > Foldr > Custom Fields. Custom Fields must be first enabled on the server.
- Adds a crash handler and includes this information in the client support logs
- Tweaks to the CacheCleaner
Version 1.5.12 (23rd August 2021)
- New admin update option to allow non-administrative users to install app updates
- Add support for TLS1.3
- Localisation bug fixes for non-English OS systems
- Blacklist nvcontainer.exe permanently
- Update to .Net Framework 4.8
- FoldrService: Two-Way Comms improvements
- Hide Office owner files
- Fixes an issue with file associations set by admin on first start not being applied
- Fixes an issue where SetUserFTA.exe may prevent shutdown
- ProcessFilter: Denied paths enhancement
- Fixes an issue with unnecessary Office downloads
- Fixes an issue with auto-checkouts and Office documents not being checked-in
- Windows DeviceID improvements
Version 1.5.8 (3rd March 2021)
- File system driver update
- Improve compatibility with some AV vendors
- Fixes a potential issue with .pptx file uploads
- Improve logging
- Fix placeholder text in server address
Version 1.5.5 (26th January 2021)
- Improves the error message if denied sign-in
- Limit web search to one window
- Fixes an issue with process filtering and stale rules
- Admin Options – add ‘ServerFixed’
- Improves Windows version logging
- Fixes an issue that could affect legacy xls files when saving
Version 1.5.2 (13th November 2020)
- New Web Search functionality – requires Search to be enabled on the Foldr Server. This can be launched using Win+Shift+f shortcut or the system tray context menu
- Open web app improvement – automatic sign-in
- Bookmarks/Web Search optimisations
- Change ‘Edit With Office’ context options for Office 365 shares
- Validate file system driver registry settings
- Fixes an issue where the Server address box doesn’t get focus
- Fixes an issue with Bookmarks
- Fixes an issue when saving from InDesign
- Fixes an issue where Web uses SSO when not specified by sign-in mechanisms
- Updated the mirror project for .net-v4.6 and the latest version of dokan.net
Version 1.4.29 (29th September 2020)
- New Download Activity panel avaiable from the app settings and system tray context menu
- User Process Filter Rules availabel from the Download Activity menu. Allows user to monitor what apps/processes have downloaded data from the Foldr drive and restrict these as required
- Edit with Office 365 context menu option to launch locally installed Office apps if working in OneDrive/SharePoint or Teams
- Cache Cleaner Disk Size
- Detect if app is installed by GPO and disable updates to prevent mixing update methods
- Fixes an issue with Excel reporting the file is open by another user
- Update fonts used
- Download activity tweaks
- Fixes an issue where Sophos antivirus can interfere with the drive mounting
- Excessive download warnings per process
- Admin/Appliance config for excessive download alerts
- Forcibly save recovered user settings
- Shortcut/bookmark failed logging
- Workaround if file system drivers fails to mount drive
- Restrict the cache size
- User Process Filter Rules
- Forcibly save recovered user settings
Version 1.4.26 (28th July 2020)
- Additional updates to the file system driver
- Readblock caching
- Retry failed readblock requests
- Throttle ranged download requests
- File system logging
Version 1.4.26 (28th July 2020)
- Additional updates to the file system driver
- Readblock caching
- Retry failed readblock requests
- Throttle ranged download requests
- File system logging
Version 1.4.25 (6th July 2020)
- Updates the file system driver
- Fixes an issue that could cause a BSOD relating to fltrmgr.sys
- Additional file system logging
Version 1.4.24 (19th June 2020)
- Fixes an issue where the drive can show as disconnected in MS Office apps
- Provide check out/in options in the context menu for users with ‘Manage Checkout’ permissions on shares
- Allow web sign-in to support links if used on the server
- Changes made to the installer and Foldr Service – now shows one UAC prompt
- Change the update mechanism to use self-extracting .exe instead of .msi
- Admin settings logging
- Reinstate setting the name of the Foldr drive
- Fixes various minor bugs if the drive is in network mode
- Additional localisation changes
Version 1.4.19 (22nd April 2020)
- Improve MSI installer and driver installation process
- Reset HTTP client and flush DNS when using ‘Refresh My Files’
- Additional localisation improvements
- Process Filter diagnostics and web sign-in logging
Version 1.4.16 (4th April 2020)
- Edit In Office Online option in context menu for Office 365 shares
- Use network drive by default
- Hide 30 second delays on slow backends
- Allow appliance to override drive type
- Fixes an issue that could affect uploading/saving .dot files
- Additional support bundle diagnostics
- Dynamic Windows Explorer context menus
- Update password context menu option
- Tweak FOLDR headers
- Refresh Explorer after cancelling an upload
Version 1.4.8 (15th November 2019)
- Improves the background save on change mechanism
- Improves support for Autodesk Revit LT
- Improved upload handling
- Log user’s choice if an upload fails
- Implements an exponentional backoff if Foldr Server is not available
Version 1.4.3 (24th October 2019)
- Deny drag and drop folders between shares
- Standardise Logging dates/times
- Fixes an issue with 2FA UI
- Add DownloadStats to the support bundle
- Log diagnostic IDs to requests
- Fixes an issue with Bookmarks
- Fixes an issue with Win 10 1903 update requesting the MSI
- Removes cached MSI on an uninstall
- UI isn’t always using Foldr colours
- NO_CACHE_MSI admin option
Version 1.4.0 (9th October 2019)
- Check BitLocker status before allowing drive to connect
- Failed to clean the cache notifications when no cache exists
- Force a network drive when using Terminal Services / Remote Desktop Services
- MSI always creates a shortcut
- Fixes an issue where Explorer may return a ‘disk full’ error
- Further improve the handling of older or newer installed VC++ Runtimes
Version 1.3.16 (3rd October 2019)
- *New* Updated file system driver
- Force a network drive when using Terminal Services
- App will prompt for reboot after installation/update
- Refresh registry settings
- Bitlocker check improvements
- Update the installer – VC++ Runtimes
- MSI can fall over with error 1001
- Foldr context menu visibility
- Fixes an issue with changing the ‘Number of simultaneous uploads’
- Fixes an issue where the drive may disconnect after sleep
- Check A/V state immediately when signing from context menu
- SSO additions when generating the support bundle
Version 1.3.13 (16th July 2019)
- *New* Support for Device Approval
- 2FA deafult trust state may be set by the server
- Override UserAgent string for Web Sign-In
- Fixes an issue with 3rd party 2FA challenges
Version 1.3.11 (17th June 2019)
- Fixes an issue with two factor trusted devices and web sign-in
- Fixes an issue with file not found if My Files isn’t being displayed in the drive
- Fixes a potential issue with failed uploads from some applications/file types
Version 1.3.8 (10th May 2019)
- Improves the time checking mechanism against the server
- WebSignIn: Don’t consider an auth challenge fatal
- Check SSO is enabled in user profile
- Remove warning messages in the logs for Process Filtering
- Fixes an issue with Revit Dynamo scripts failing to execute
- Improved filesystem logging
- Fixes an issue with Windows legacy sign-in and SSO
- Add FileSecurity methods to the FileSystem
Version 1.3.5 (24th April 2019)
- *New* Add the web sign-in feature to the client. Supports third party (Duo) 2FA & SAML SSO. Web sign-in may be disabled on the Foldr server if required.
- Fixes an issue prompting for LDAP password with web sign-in and SAML SSO
- Use 24hr timestamps in the logs
- Check appliance time and warn user
- Ask user if they want to use SSO
- WebSignIn: Always reports pending uploads
- WebSignIn: Whitelist the appliance (trusted sites)
- Fixes an issue with My Bookmarks being empty – This may be caused by invalid / broken items
- Update how we deal with pending uploads on sign-in
- Update “Automatically Check Out Office Documents” label
- Network mode ~ files and upload notifications
- Fixes an issue prompting the user about outstanding uploads when they sign-out
Version 1.2.8 (15th March 2019)
- Fixes an issue saving .msg files from Outlook to the Foldr drive. This bug could potentially affect other applications so this is a recommended release for all users
Version 1.2.7 (13th March 2019)
- Fixes an issue that could cause stale .tmp files to remain in the upload queue, preventing other files from uploading. This update is recommended for all users. Should there be stale .tmp files in the upload queue, allow the app to auto sign-in after upgrading to v1.2.7 and the upload queue will be processed automatically
Version 1.2.6 (8th March 2019)
- Fixes an issue that could cause legacy .ppt PowerPoint files to be corrupted
- Fixes an issue where the app cannot open .csv files after clearing cache
- Fixes an issue when a file is moved in the drive to overwrite another file with the same name
- Fixes an issue that can leave a .tmp file in the upload queue when saving Office files
Version 1.2.5 (28th February 2019)
- *New* Simultaneous uploads. The app will now upload a maximum of 5 files at a time for significant performance improvements
- Don’t show upload notifications for temp access files
- Fixes an issue where the Windows may attempt to read a non-existent file on the server due to anti-virus software
- Additional logging
- Fixes an issue moving and overwriting a file inside the drive
- Correct a typo in fileops/move
Version 1.2.1 (15th February 2019)
- Further improves the saving behaviour of the app when working with Excel and other applications that hold files open.
Version 1.2.0 (12th February 2019)
- Improves the saving behaviour of the app when working with Excel and other applications that hold files open. The user no longer needs to close the file to allow the upload to begin.
- Allows a custom port to be used in the server address
- Suppress the incompatible security settings prompt
- Prevent the drive remounting as read-only upon sign-out
- New ‘Prompt at Startup’ admin option – see https://kb.foldr.io/foldr-support/msi-options-silent-installation/
- Add the file’s size to the log entry for a PUT request
Version 1.1.15 (3rd December 2018)
- New sign-in dialog
- Wait / retry silently if no network connection is available
- Remove the user option to ‘sign out on exit’
- Fixes an issue affecting the app updating
- Fixes an issue with the OneDrive client removing the Foldr icon overlays
- Removes the automated network refresh on network change. Manual refresh of My Files via system tray context menu is available
- Logging improvements
- Support for tristate appliance side security settings (on | off | not configured)
- Warn on all platforms when opening legacy .ppt files
- Support for update credentials prompt
Version 1.1.13 (12th October 2018)
- Removes notifications when a .tmp file is queued for upload (Office saves)
- Build in tolerance for SharePoint Online & its automatic 6Kb modification of uploaded Office Files
- Deal with illegal/invalid characters in the Drive
- Fixes an issue that may result in empty directories when server takes too long to respond
- Fixes an issue that can affect saving Word documents on Win7
- Fixes an issue that could result in an SSO infinite loop
- Fixes an issue where files my are falsely reported as in-use
- Fixes an issue where .docx files may be repeatedly uploaded on Win 7
- Fixes an issue with the Notification window
Version 1.1.11 (12th September 2018)
- Detect network changes and automatically refresh My Files inside the drive. Requires Foldr appliance version
- Support AV definition updates without disconnecting the drive
- New context menu layout
Version 1.1.9 (6th September 2018)
- Further enhancement to AV Grace feature. Allows a configurable update grace period window so a workstation can update it’s AV definitons. See the Windows deployment article for more information
- New security tab in app settings
Version 1.1.8 (30th August 2018)
- Improved upload performance
- New anti-virus grace period feature
- Direct downloads from OneDrive and SharePoint
- File in-use notifications
- Improve operability on a degraded network connection
- Tweak process blacklist/whitelist feature
- Push the modified date for uploads
- Case sensitive filenames may causes problems for specific client applications
- Reachability/offline behaviour when starting up the app
Version 1.1.1 (13th July June 2018)
- Support for client process whitelists / blacklists. Requires Foldr servers running v4.9.3.2 and higher
- Optimise MS Office Check In/Check Out & other saving operations
- Additional client logging
- Fixes an issue where retrieving a file’s attributes may provide wrong information
- Assign a read-only attribute to files that are checked-out by another user
- Case sensitive filenames may causes problems for specific client applications
Version 1.0.55 (1st June 2018)
- File system driver performance improvements
- Advise 32 bit clients when interacting with legacy PowerPoint *.ppt files to save into .pptx format
- Advise 32 bit clients when interacting with legacy PowerPoint *.ppt files to save into .pptx format
- Additional logging
Version 1.0.53 (1st June 2018)
- Fixes a listing / performance issue on read only shares
- Fixes an issue with expired Kerberos tickets. If an expired ticket is detected, the app automatically disables SSO
Version 1.0.52 (26th April 2018)
- Detect if a reboot is needed at point of installation and notify if required
- Add ‘Notification’ history to support bundle
- Other performance improvements
Version 1.0.51 (15th April 2018)
- Fixes an issue that could cause Explorer to hang when accessing the drive
- Improves the behaviour of pointers when signing in/out
- Add additional logging for pointers
Version 1.0.50 (10th April 2018)
- Provides support for ‘Pointer’ Shares
- Provides support for Bookmarks
- Provides an option in the app settings to enable & disable Bookmarks/My Files
- Provides support for password policies set on the Foldr appliance
- Fixes an issue with the icon overlay not updating when checking a file in or out
- Fixes an issue with CAD Software causing Foldr to crash
- Fixes an issue where the Foldr drive can be disconnected when Windows hibernates
- Other general performance improvements / bug fixes
Version 1.0.40 (1st February 2018)
- Will indicate if a file in the upload queue is still ‘In Use’ (open)
- Fixes an issue with saving from certain specialist applications, such as Autodesk Revit
- Other general improvements / bug fixes
Version 1.0.39 (9th January 2018)
- Fixes an issue with Kerberos SSO if SSO_LOGIN_BY_DEFAULT=1 MSI option is used
Version 1.0.38 (7th January 2018)
- New – Kerberos Single Sign-On support
Version 1.0.37 (19th December 2017)
- IMPORTANT – Please reboot after installing this release
- New – Updates the file system driver to provide support for Windows 10 Falls Creator Update
- New – ‘Import’ option in the context menu to provide an easy upload mechanism without using the local cache
- Fix – Slow network detection method and notifications adjusted to stop repeated prompts
Version 1.0.32
- Add fault tolerance for slow networks
Version 1.0.30
- Fix – Resolves a Foldr Service error when updating the app
Version 1.0.27
- New – Option to ignore Windows shortcut files to speed up browsing
- New – Detect slow connections
- New – Admins can prevent users from changing the Windows drive letter
- Fix – Saving legacy Office documents
- Fix – Illegal characters in share names
- Fix – Security settings when running on Windows Server (Terminal Services)
File Streaming
Version 1.0.22
- New – Get to your files quicker! Foldr will now open files immediately by streaming downloads.
- New – Icon Overlays. See whether a file is checked out. You’ll see whether a file is being worked on right inside Explorer