Foldr Zen Zone

Knowledge Base

The Appliance Console – Command List

The following commands are available from the server console.  Note that some commands only apply to specific server versions and these are highlighted as appropriate



Command Function
check-updates Checks for new server updates using the configured (or default online) repository  ** Foldr Server AlmaLinux v10+ only **
install-updates Installs new server updates.  Note ‘check-updates’ must be run before using this command  ** Foldr Server AlmaLinux v10+ only **
net-devices Lists network adapter names on the server  ** Foldr Server AlmaLinux v10+ only **
net-device -s "adapter-name" manual "ip-address subnet-mask gateway dns1 dns2 Configures the specified network adapter’s network configuration.  ** Foldr Server AlmaLinux v10+ only **
net-device -s "adapter-name" dhcp Configures the specified network adapter to use DHCP for its network configuration  ** Foldr Server AlmaLinux v10+ only **
net-routes -s "adapter-name" "" Configures a static route for the specific network adapter.  In this example, adapter ens192 to reach network via gateway  ** Foldr Server AlmaLinux v10+ only **
nmcli Network adapter configuration
fadmin-web-access enable|disable Blanket allow or deny for fadmin to access the Foldr web app & Foldr Settings administrative interfaces  ** Foldr Server AlmaLinux v10+ only **
fadmin-web-access enable "allow" "deny" Example command to permit fadmin to sign into the Foldr web app & Foldr Settings from network and deny all other login requests for this account.  ** Foldr Server AlmaLinux v10+ only **
reset-mfa Resets the multi-factor authentication status for the fadmin account.  ** Foldr Server AlmaLinux v10+ only **
cert-reset Resets the SSL certificate installation back to the self-signed (default) certificate
search-reserve-mem x This command sets a limit on the amount of memory (in GB) that will be reserved by the server for other server functions (not search related).  search-reserve-mem 4 is the minimum recommended value.
iptables Modifies the built-in firewall.  All rules should be commented -m comment –comment “foldr-admin” to enable the rules to persist after a system update.
iptables-save Commits firewall rules so they are permanently saved and survive system restart
dig DNS infomormation and diagnostics
netstat Displays network connections and statistics
nslookup DNS troubleshooting
passwd Password change utility for fadmin
ping Network connectivity & troubleshooting
traceroute Network troubleshooting
support-enable Enables support mode.  This can be used a technical support representative to log in for troubleshooting purposes
flush-queue Flushes the server queue
flush-cache Flushes the database cache
set-ciphers modern | legacy
Configures web server TLS/SSL configuration.  Legacy mode disables TLS 1.0, 1.1 and also disables the 3DES cipher suites
smb-mode legacy|default|modern|edge Configures SMB protocol on the appliance.  Legacy =  sets max client protocol to SMB1.  Default = sets max client protocol to SMB2.  Modern = sets min client protocol to SMB2 & max client protocol to SMB3.  Edge = Set max client protocol to SMB3
http-test domain.fqdn HTTP(S) connectivity and diagnostics
ldap-test (filter) LDAP connectivity and diagnostics using ldapsearch
remove-tc-log Removes the transaction co-ordinator log file to aid with database recovery/start
db-bootstrap Marks the local database as ‘safe to bootstrap’ – Useful to recover a cluster that has not shut down gracefully
list-checkouts Lists all checkouts currently made by users, either manually or via an Edit in Office session in the web app
remove-checkouts [days] Removes checkouts on files older than the number of days specified
remove-devices [days] Removes registered user devices that were last seen older than the number of days specified
ocsp-enable | disable Enables or disables OCSP stapling
show-resolv-conf Displays the currently configured content of resolv.conf
flush-geoip Resets the firewall geo-location block configuration to default (no countries blocked)


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