Foldr Zen Zone


Foldr and GarageBand


GarageBand is an incredible app for both recording and composing music. It’s one that our customers love and use everyday.

However a question we were often asked is, “Does Foldr work with GarageBand?”. We can now confirm that following a recent update to GarageBand, by Apple, Foldr supports full integration as of Foldr 2.4 for iOS.

With the introduction of GarageBand 2.1.1 (released May 2016) Apple ushered in a new feature to share your compositions as an uncompressed audio file. As such the process for exporting your song now has some additional options. You can either export your song as an .m4a (an uncompressed audio file of the complete song) or a .band file (a GarageBand project file).

In this example, we are going to save a GarageBand project we have created to Foldr from an iPad; then we will open it on an iPhone to continue working on it.

Let’s see how it works:

Saving a GarageBand project to Foldr

1. Tap ‘Select’ from within GarageBand


2. Choose the GarageBand project you want to save to Foldr and tap the Share icon


3. To choose your composition as an audio file tap Save to Foldr / Import with Foldr.

To save your composition as a GarageBand project that can be edited later tap ‘Open in…’


4. If you chose ‘Open in…’ you will now have the option to choose ‘Project’


5. Now choose ‘Import with Foldr’


6. Foldr will then open. Navigate to where the project is to be saved and tap ‘UPLOAD’


Opening a GarageBand project from Foldr

1. Log in to Foldr and locate the GarageBand project in Foldr you want to open and tap it


2. Tap the Share icon and then tap ‘Copy to GarageBand’


3. Your project will then launch in GarageBand ready for you to carry on working

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