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Foldr at Bett 2017

Foldr at Bett 2017header2

Bett 2017 was our biggest yet with thousands of educators, IT admins and students dropping by our stand. Here are our thoughts on a very busy week in London!

What a week!

Wednesday is traditionally dubbed ‘international’ day at Bett. We met plenty of visitors from across the globe including delegates from Angola, Croatia, Iceland, India, Poland, UAE and many more.

Thursday and Friday were very busy due, in part, to the Apple Leadership summit taking place a stone’s throw from the ExCeL centre. There was particular interest in how our new iPad and Android apps allow teachers create, save and share resources with students.

And Saturday provided an opportunity for visitors to browse the show floor without the crowds of the preceding days.


The Foldr travel mugs made their way off to new homes across the globe!

Hot topics

The Bett show is always an astute barometer of what’s happening in EdTech and this year was no different. Consolidating disparate systems such as homework setting, remote access and file sharing seemed high on many schools’ agendas. Something that we believe Foldr does particularly well.

Our new live Office editing tools were well received by many of the teachers we spoke with. No longer do they have to manually upload and download documents to edit them, managing duplicate files at every turn. With Foldr you can create, open and edit documents in Office (Mac/PC), Office Online or G Suite – with all changes being saved back to the original file.

Foldr v4’s new live Office document editing options

Hybrid cloud has been much discussed recently. Throughout the week we spoke to many schools looking to implement a combination of cloud storage alongside their existing servers. For these schools, our new cloud storage integrations were particularly well received.

Foldr provides a unified view of all your files, regardless of where they are stored. The ability to move, copy and share files across these locations really opens up what is possible for schools who have a mixture of storage platforms.

For example, a teacher can set an assignment from their OneDrive whilst students hand work back in from their ‘My Documents’ on the school server. This new degree of flexibility was a revelation to many that we met at the show.


Foldr’s storage connectors

Read about all the great new features in Foldr v4.

That’s it for this year, we look forward to what 2017 has in store and we’ll see you at Bett 2018!

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