Foldr Zen Zone



Mashlets can be configured to execute when a particular event occurs in Foldr. Currently there are two categories of event, Files and Users.

File Events


This event is triggered when a file is downloaded from the Foldr web app or opened via the native Foldr apps.


This event is triggered when a file is uploaded through the Foldr web app or saved/written via the native Foldr apps.


This event is triggered when a file is successfully indexed by the Foldr Search Crawler. If you also use Captur then any captured data will be available alongside the file.

Fields Changed

This event is triggered when a file’s custom field data is changed by a user in one of the Foldr apps.

User Events

Signed In

This event is triggered when a user successfully signs in to Foldr.

The event object

The objects which triggered an event are available to your mashlets through the mash.event object. This allows us to access and modify those objects within our scripts.


File events will often have a user attached to them as well (for example the user who uploaded a file).


# This will print the file which triggered the eventn
# Note that for user events this will be null

printline mash.event.file

# This will print the user which triggered the event
# Note that for some file events the user may be null

printline mash.event.user


# This will print the file which triggered the event
# Note that for user events this will be null


# This will print the user which triggered the event
# Note that for some file events the user may be null

Every journey begins with a single step

Declutter, Focus, Zone In. Repeat.

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