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Foldr app for macOS

What’s new in Foldr for macOS?

– Map a drive in macOS Finder to present on-premise SMB shares or cloud storage areas from a single drive
– Support for native Google G-Suite files in Finder.  Double click a Google Doc, Sheet or Slide and start editing immediately.
– Supports password change and two-factor authentication
– Quick Import / Upload option available from the system tray context menu. Upload from your desktop to any storage location in Foldr.

Foldr for macOS Release Notes

Version 2.2.5 – Wednesday 13th February. 2024

  • Fixes an issue affecting the File Provider creating ghost folders while renaming
  • Adds Search option in UI while disabled
  • Don’t poll Running Applications
  • Fixes an issue with Reachability and a small memory leak
  • Fixes an issue with invalid certificates and Sign Out
  • Fixes an issue with memory usage
  • Server Sent Event minor fixes
  • Pointer to shares metadata parsing
  • Adds additional Admin Options: ServerFixed
  • Cache the Direct Download URL
  • Fixes an issue when the Finder Extension is not enabled
  • Fixes an issue with Notifications
  • Update to the ransomeware list
  • Fixes an issue with SSE Backoff not working properly
  • App Profile Setting to select the filesystem type – macFUSE or File Provider
  • Custom headers support
  • Replace Shortcut Code
  • Add contentType support
  • Switching filesystem in settings
  • FileProvider – Add support for direct downloads

Version 2.2.3 – Wednesday 8th February. 2024

  • *New* Support for Saved Searches
  • *New* Allow the Search keyboard shortcut to be reconfigured via the App Settings > Drive tab
  • Update the web sign in UI
  • Fixes an issue where forbidden characters are used in file names with the File Provider
  • Improved logging
  • Prevent multiple Foldr instances
  • Fixes an issue with Working File Recovery with the Apple File Provider
  • Fixes an issue with invalid tokens generating duplicate alerts
  • Offline Files – Improve error message
  • Update the update mechanism to support .pkg packages

Version 2.1.0 – Friday 22nd December. 2023

  • *New* Implement improvements with the Apple File Provider file system to allow automatic content refresh when the local cache expires
  • *New* Add the ability to switch between macFUSE and the Apple File Provider via the app Settings UI
  • Improve Refresh My Files functionality for the File Provider
  • Fix missing strings in the Finder context menu when using macFUSE
  • Fixes for web search and ignore unknown messages
  • Fixes an issue with Server Sent Events logging failed to parse event

Version 2.0.4 – Tuesday 28th November. 2023

  • Fixes an issue with high CPU usage on macOS Sonoma
  • Update the user agent for Foldr web views
  • Fixes an issue with SSE request timeouts

Version 2.0.3 – Wednesday 8th November. 2023

  • *New* Apple File Provider support – Allows the app to function without the macFUSE Kernel Extension. Existing app users using macFUSE will continue to use it after installing this update
  • Support for Server Sent Events
  • Updates the app to use new Foldr icon / branding
  • Custom Field support via the context menu in Finder
  • Improves the support bundle mechanism
  • Improved logging
  • Numerous other improvements and buxfixes

Version 1.3.23 – Friday 15th July. 2022

  • Suppress the prompt for OfficeAssist (365) behaviour when the admin setting is used
  • Fixes an issue affecting macOS Light/Dark Mode and web sign in
  • Prompt for Fuse Updates
  • Start drive in a specific share

Version 1.3.21 – Wednesday 26th January. 2022

  • *New* Adds the ability to link cloud accounts (Office 365/Google Workspace etc) where manual linking is configured on the server. This is accessible from the app Settings > Account tab or use the ‘link account’ web shortcut inside a cloud storage location inside the Foldr drive > My Files
  • *New* Working file recovery. Provides an in-app recycle bin feature by retaining a copy of any files deleted from its local cache during file save operations. This will allow the user to restore files if required.
  • Fixes an issue where uploads may not be restarted
  • Fixes an issue with multiple Excel save operations while uploads are queued
  • Additional logging
  • Use FontAwesome icons on preferences
  • Web search improvements
  • Other bug fixes and improvements

Version 1.3.12 – Thursday 22nd April. 2021

  • *New* Automatic checkout of Office documents. Requires checkouts to be enabled on the Foldr server. Includes automatic file locking, if the foldr-checkouts service is enabled
  • Fixes an issue with web search conflicts
  • Fixes an issue with Garageband files
  • Fixes an issue with ranged downloads and other optimisations
  • Optimises PowerPoint saves
  • Corrects text prompt with pwned passwords integration

Version 1.3.6 – Friday 26th February. 2021

  • Fixes an issue affecting uploads with certain applications and Apple M1 systems
  • Fixes an issue with Legacy (non-web) sign-in
  • Fixes an issue that may affect saving from Excel and PowerPoint apps
  • Additional logging

Version 1.3.3 – Saturday 7th February. 2021

  • Fixes an issue with device approval/request signing
  • Fixes an issue switching users
  • Fixes an issue with the thumbnail cache

Version 1.3.2 – Saturday 16th January. 2021

  • BigSur: Update install/setup dialogs
  • Fix for macFUSE with case sensitive file systems
  • Fix for password change

Version 1.3.1 – Friday 8th January. 2021

  • Add websearch functionality
  • Add support for macFuse (Fuse 4.x)
  • Supports the Apple M1 chipset
  • Open web app improvement (auto sign-in)
  • Improve logging/download statistics
  • Other minor bugfixes and improvements

Version 1.2.13 – Friday 10th July. 2020

  • New startup status
  • Fixes an issue where going offline could terminate the app
  • Allow external links in the web sign-in UI
  • Add Feature – UseMyFiles (disable the bookmarks / My Files subfolders and show shares directly in the root of the drive)
  • Additional localisation support
  • Fixes an issue where the authentication token may not be saved
  • Fixes a bug that could introduce a memory leak
  • Throttle ranged download requests

Version 1.2.9 – Thursday 7th May. 2020

  • Fixes an issue where some unicode characters may be ignored

Version 1.2.8 – Thursday 23rd April. 2020

  • Fixes an issue with 2FA and legacy sign-in

Version 1.2.7 – Saturday 4th April, 2020

  • Foldr can fail to unmount its drive
  • Fixes an issue that could cause a crash on Catalina
  • Fixes issues with existing Uploads on sign-out
  • Fixes an issue downloading large folders from the drive

Version 1.2.2 – Thursday 4th February, 2020

  • Notarises the app as well as the .DMG to assist with scripted deployments

Version 1.2.1 – Thursday 19th December, 2019

  • macOS Catalina support
  • Fixes an issue refreshing Finder
  • Override UserAgent string for Web Sign-In
  • Support more thumbnails
  • Fixes a bug with Bookmarks
  • Caching improvements
  • Fixes an issue with multiple prompts where an invalid certificate is detected
  • Add scripting feature for admins
  • Fixes an issue with Dark Mode
  • Add xattr support

Version 1.1.17 – Monday 1st July, 2019

  • Support for Device Approval (if enabled on the server) – Allows the Foldr admin to only permit pre-approved devices to connect
  • Default two factor authentication trust state may be set by the server
  • Other minor two factor authentication fixes

Version 1.1.14 – Wednesday 15th May, 2019

  • Don’t consider a third-party auth challenge fatal

Version 1.1.13 – Wednesday 24th April, 2019

  • Cater for bookmarks with permission problems
  • Fixes an issue with a maximum of 99 items for the Upload badge
  • Optimise temporary files
  • Fixes an issue with the Iconservicesagent
  • Optimise temporary files
  • Fixes an issue with the disable SSO prompt

Version 1.1.10 – Thursday 28th February, 2019

  • Fixes an issue with folder names using accented characters
  • Add the file’s size to the log entry for a PUT request
  • Fixes an issue with Finder causing the macOS ‘beach ball’ spinner to display when downloading bookmarks

Version 1.1.9 – Monday 11th February, 2019

  • Fixes a possible crash when handling large GarageBand projects
  • Allows a custom port to be used in the server address
  • Optimise temporary files (quick saves)
  • Fixes an issue where the modified date is not updated correctly with Microsoft Word documents
  • Fixes some log format issues when additional debugging is enabled
  • Use pre-converted share icons

Version 1.1.6 – Friday 18th January, 2019

  • Improve the behaviour of the app with poor connections to the server
  • Deny drag and drop folders between shares
  • Fixes a potential lock-up in Finder when renaming a directory
  • Improve logging – new verboseLogging option
  • Improve Logging in APIClient
  • FileVault & Gatekeeper admin settings may be ignored
  • Fixes an issue where stale drives may be mounted
  • Automatically retry failed uploads
  • Improved Crash Handler

Version 1.1.1 – Tuesday 18th December, 2018

  • New – Support for macOS Mojave
  • New – Web sign in mechanism. Allows the macOS app to natively support AD FS, Duo and other future 2FA / SSO options
  • Support for Dark Mode in macOS
  • Fixes multiple issues issue with the app on legacy macOS 10.9
  • Remove Gatekeeper and FileVault from user settings in the app. These options are now only controlled centrally from the server
  • Fixes an app crash when using Preferences before signing in
  • Support for tristate appliance / admin security settings
  • Prevent file and directory names being created that end with one or more spaces
  • Remove the user option to ‘sign in automatically’
  • Mark files r/o when checked-out by another user
  • Push the modified date for uploads
  • Check FileVault status before allowing drive to connect
  • Refresh shares after a network address change
  • Check uploads for a CONTENT_LENGTH_MISMATCH error
  • Refresh Finder after cancelling uploads
  • Update the forbidden filenames regex
  • Removes notifications for files beginning ~$ and ~WR – Used in Office saves / uploads
  • Check reachability at startup
  • Show the web sign-in screen for a 2FA challenge
  • Adds support for Google Forms files
  • Fixes an issue with the bulk Import option
  • Cater for ACCOUNT_LOCKED error code
  • Add support for direct downloads

Version 1.0.0 – Saturday 28th July, 2018

  • Support for process filtering (requires Foldr appliance v4.9.3.2 or greater)

Version 0.9.50 – Wednesday 11th July, 2018

  • Fix – Crash with large file uploads

Version 0.9.49 – Wednesday 27th June, 2018

  • New – Ransomware protection and security (Gatekeeper) detection
  • New – Finder toolbar menu for “Edit in Office Online” (applies to Office documents in OneDrive & SharePoint)
  • New – Multiple concurrent uploads for increased performance
  • New – Support for image file thumbnails
  • New – Admin options for ‘Open Drive At Start Up’ and configuring visible shares
  • New – Menu item tooltip shows connection status
  • Fix – Sanitise server address
  • Fix – Sign-in automatically not working reliably

Version 0.9.42 – Monday 23rd April, 2018

  • Fix – Possible crash with macOS Yosemite
  • Fix – Certificate-related bugs

Version 0.9.41 – Monday 23rd April, 2018

  • New – A badge in the menu bar indicates how many uploads are pending.
  • Fix – Optimised file caching.
  • Fix – Invalid signature when running on macOS 10.10

Version 0.9.39 – Friday 16th March, 2018

  • New – Support for “Pointers” in Foldr server. Admins can now group shares for a neater user experience.
  • New – Full support for the Pwned Password service.
  • Fix – Issues with SSO options.

Version 0.9.34 – Wednesday 7th February, 2018

  • Fix – Issues saving files with the latest version of Office 2016

Version 0.9.33 – Thursday 1st February, 2018

  • New – Bookmarks are now accessible through the Finder. Use your Foldr bookmarks to access your favourite files quickly and easily!
  • Fix – Select All/Cmd + A not working in fields on Sign In screen

Version 0.9.32 – Thursday 11th January, 2018

  • New – Prompt if file names contain illegal characters

Version 0.9.31 – Wednesday 10th January, 2018

  • Fix – An issue with certain characters in file names

Version 0.9.29

  • New – SSO support for Active Directory environments. Note that your Mac will need to be bound to Active Directory or have used “kinit” to obtain a kerberos ticket for SSO.
  • New – Create a support bundle to aid in troubleshooting
  • Fix – Duplicate sidebar icons when rebooting or shutting down without first quitting the app
  • Fix – Improve stability of uploads

Version 0.9.22

  • Fix – A potential crash when adding the drive icon to the sidebar

Version 0.9.21

  • Big performance increases across the board. Note that your Foldr shares will now be inside the My Files folder inside your Foldr drive
  • Fix – Initialise the Finder extension on launch

Version 0.9.20

  • New – Improved upload notifications
  • Fix – Folders re-ordering themselves
  • Fix – Potential crash when viewing certificate details

Version 0.9.18

  • Fix – Auto updater could create a nested app bundle

Version 0.9.15

  • Fix – Opening the Web App may prefix address with additional https://

Version 0.9.14

  • New – You can now launch the Foldr web app from the context menu
  • Fix – App could stall when signing in and out repeatedly

Version 0.9.12

  • This release has many performance tweaks to make Foldr for macOS even snappier!
  • New – Menu bar icon pulses when signing in.

Version 0.9.8

  • New – Finder extension shows checkout status of your files and allows you to check in/out from the context menu!
  • Fix – High CPU usage in macOS High Sierra 10.13

Version 0.9.6

  • Fix – App no longer prompts to move after an update.

Version 0.9.7

  • Fix – sign in not showing when selected from menu or account preferences.

Version 0.9.6

  • Fix – App no longer prompts to move after an update.

Version 0.9.5

  • New – Replace the ‘Drive Preferences’ icon with our nice new version.
  • Enhancement – Dismiss the sign-in screen once the drive is mounted.
  • Enhancement – Update FUSE on startup when necessary.

Version 0.9.4

  • New – Provide the ability to rename the Foldr drive.
  • New – Update the icon used for the Foldr drive.
  • Fix – The Foldr icon can show up multiple times in the sidebar.
Every journey begins with a single step

There can be many paths to a desired document. Let Foldr be your guide, wherever the destination...

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