Foldr Zen Zone


Foldr 4.3 for iPad and iPhone – Made for Sharing

Foldr v4 introduced some amazing sharing tools which allowed you to share file and entire folders with other users and groups no matter where they were stored. You can read more about sharing and the other amazing tools in Foldr v4 right here. Today we’re proud to announce that our brand new app for iPad and iPhone puts those same tools right in the palm of your hand!

Whether you’re looking for an easy way to collaborate with colleagues, a replacement for your ageing VLE or a quick and easy way to link files and folders from your website Foldr provides a robust and easy to use set of tools. And, even better, it doesn’t matter which server or cloud service your files are stored on – they’re all available for sharing with Foldr for iOS.

Foldr 4.3 is available in the iOS App Store now.

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There can be many paths to a desired document. Let Foldr be your guide, wherever the destination...

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