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You can save attachments from Gmail to Foldr using the Foldr Gmail extension for Chrome. This is of particular use to ChromeBook users...
Attach files stored on your own servers, Google Drive or OneDrive with the Foldr Gmail Extension for Chrome. In this...
As well as being available on the App Store, the Foldr iOS app can be ‘purchased’ via the Apple VPP...
The Foldr server provides signed SSL certificates at no cost via the Let’s Encrypt certificate authority that can be installed...
Shared mode has been designed for pool devices, such as an iPad cart / trolley in an educational environment...
Managing your files, working with Office documents and creating fLinks. With the Foldr web app, you can access your files...
Renaming, moving and deleting files and creating new folders. With Foldr for iOS, you can access your files from your iPhone,...
Shared or Personal Mode? Foldr for iOS can run in two modes, either shared or personal. Here, we’ll help you...
With a huge choice of cloud storage providers available, you may have files scattered across a number of different locations. Keeping track...
With the omnipresent QuickAdd button it’s now faster than ever to unleash your creativity. What are you waiting for –...