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The Foldr server can automatically optimise JPEG and PNG images as they are uploaded by users. This will use smart...
August 2020 – An issue has been reported by some customers where Sophos anti-virus can cause issues with the Foldr...
The Foldr server is able to apply specific client settings to client apps on a per user/group basis using App...
The Foldr server provides support for a Teams integration which provides the user with a file picker to upload files...
Issue – The Windows app installation may halt with error 1001 as shown below. Cause – Event 1001 is caused...
The Foldr server provides the ability to control what client process / applications are allowed to interact with the Foldr...
There may be a situation where the Foldr drive does not mount on macOS and the operating system reports the...
Issue Users may be unable to save Microsoft Excel workbooks to the Foldr drive on Windows and Mac clients using...
You may have recently read Microsoft’s recent advice to enable LDAP Channel Binding and LDAP signing. This is details in...
The Foldr virtual server appliance has a 100GB disk by default and in most cases will consume less than 10GB...
Customers may see the following behaviour after installing the Q3 2019 Windows 10 update 1908: The Foldr app may invoke...
Accurate server time is important for accurate user acivity logging, and a core component in ensuring that both SSO and...