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Shared Dropbox Accounts By using a Dropbox Access Token generated at it is possible to present the same Dropbox...
Dropbox Cloud Storage Both personal and shared Dropbox storage accounts can be presented to a user. This KB article covers...
Foldr can automatically link an on-premise Active Directory user account with the corresponding user in Google G Suite / Google...
Microsoft Azure installations and SSL certificates When you deploy a VM into the Azure cloud platform it will be accessible...
Foldr 5.0.0 (21st November 2023) Major improvements to search in the Android app. The app now supports the full web...
If you have an existing UCC/SAN or wildcard certificate, this can be imported into Foldr. In the case of a...
Introduction Foldr Server provides built-in support for the popular Let’s Encrypt Certificate Authority. This service provides signed and trusted SSL...
Foldr v4 is here! We’re excited to announce the release of Foldr v4, our biggest upgrade yet. Our development team have been busy...
With Foldr 4, we introduced more efficient and powerful sharing tools. As a result fLinks were retired as a feature. If...
From within Foldr for iOS, you can use your device’s camera to take photo and video. Photos and videos are saved...